The Korea Academic Recognition Information Center (KARIC) provides information on qualifications for higher education (Associate’s Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Doctor’s Degree) and qualifications for admission to higher education institutions.
KARIC provides to domestic the education system, qualification level, authorization and certification of the higher education institution of each foreign country.
For foreign universities or NICs, KARIC provides official information on the Korean higher education system to ascertain whether the quality of the qualifications issued by Korean institutions justifies the recognition. It strengthens the international acceptance of Korean qualification.
KARIC was launched by KCUE in September, 2017 to lay the groundwork for implementing the Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education. It is designated as a National Information Center(NIC) in 2019.
We provide official information on Korean higher education for stakeholders both at home and abroad to enable the competent recognition authorities to ascertain whether the quality of the qualifications issued by foreign institutions justifies the recognition and to support the policy development and internationalization of Korean higher education.
The symbol symbol represents K of the Korea Academic Recognition Information Center and represents the network that extends around the world. It means that the Korea Academic Recognition Information Center's various data network networks are expanding around the world. As a result, it is used for all works that image the Korea Academic Recognition Information Center, i.e., formatting, stationery, documentation, various publications, packaging, autographs, collection equipment, and uniforms.