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Title [Notice] First Approval of General Universities’ Online Degree Courses and Initiation of their Operation
Date 2023-02-14
Views 1335
On February 17th, 2022, Thursday, the Ministry of Education announced the results of its approval of the selected universities and graduate schools to implement the online degree course system introduced in 2021 for general universities. The online degree course system for general universities have been newly established in February 2021 to allow them to provide all degree courses completely online with the approval of the Ministry of Education, while this had been available only for cyber colleges.
* Degree courses available for: Undergraduate courses (limited to joint degree courses with overseas universities), master’s degree courses
This courses has been established to utilize the virtual lecture experiences accumulated over the last two years in response to COVID-19 at universities as a stepping stone for the innovation of digital-based teaching and learning. It is expected to nurture talents for the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution by implementing new curricula and teaching methods.
The evaluation held from December 2021 to February 2022 was the first evaluation conducted after the establishment of the system in February 2021. A total of 22 majors from 12 universities applied for the evaluation and the evaluation committee which is composed of experts in various fields including education, humanities & social sciences, engineering, and arts & sports conducted written and face-to-face (video conference due to COVID-19) reviewing based on the operation plans submitted by each university.
The evaluation have been conducted by the Committee according to the strict criteria as follows: Structure and excellence of the curriculum; Quality assuarance system of virtual classes at the university; and Virtual class facilities. As the result of the evaluation, a total of 7 degree courses (master’s degree) have been selected for their abilities to provide quality educational courses by organically organizing the purpose, content, and teaching methods of the curriculum and establishing a supporting system within the universities for virtual education as well as proper digital infrastructure.
Overview of the Approved Online Degree Courses
Gyeongin National University of Education
Computer Science Education, Graduate School of Education
Re-education of teachers and education experts for digital, artificial intelligence (AI), and software (SW) knowledge so that they can play a leading role in the IT education field at elementary and middle schools
Korea University
Development Policy, Graduate School of Public Administration
Education to systematize South Korea’s development experience centering on public administration and policy, to be utilized in developing countries
Kookmin University
Artificial Intelligence Operation, Graduate School of Software Technology (Master’s)
Cultivation of practical vocational capabilities that can be used in the actual AI field, through the disciplinary convergence
Mokwon University
Webcomics Design & Drawing and Animation & VR Character Design, Department of Hi-Tech
Cultivation of talents with webcomics production capabilities, digital design capabilities, and vocational skills for the new industries
Soonchunhyang University
Department of Medical Management Service, Graduate School of Innovative Living
Cultivation of on-site management experts in the medical field, equipped with knowledge related to the medical industry (medical disputes, leadership, etc.)
Yeungnam University
Department of Smart Health Care, Graduate School of Environment & Public Health Studies (Master’s)
Cultivation of healthcare experts to respond to the development of healthcare and medical technologies as well as social changes such as superaged society

One of the common characteristics of the approved degree courses is that the curricula have been reorganized in response to social changes such as the demand for new industries, and in connection with each university’s characterization plans and teaching & learning strategies. In addition, the courses provide quality learning opportunities to various learners such as job seekers in new industries, those who are currently working in the field, and overseas employees, through diverse online class tools.

The degree courses selected through the evaluation will be operated for 4 years as online courses. In the meantime, the Ministry of Education and the relevant universities plan to continuously improve the quality of the online degree courses and virtual classes so that quality virtual classes are stably provided to students.
The selected universities plan to support and manage the continuous improvement of online degree courses by utilizing platforms within the university such as a virtual class management committee and virtual education support center. The Ministry of Education will hold an interim check every two years to ensure that the online degree courses are operated according to their initial purposes and plans to support the expansion of exchanges and cooperation between the selected universities.
[Source] Press release by the Ministry of Education, “First Approval of General Universities’ Online Degree Courses and Initiation of their Operation”

[Guidance] Korean Education System① : the Bachelor’s Degree Examination for Self-Education (BDES)
[Activities] 2022 TAICEP Conference