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Title [Activities] First session of the Intergovernmental Conference of States Parties to the Global Convention on Higher Education
Date 2023-07-28
Views 1035


Korea Academic Recognition Information Center(KARIC) attended the First session of the Intergovernmental Conference of States Parties to the Global Convention on Higher Education from 4 to 5 July 2023.

In November 2019, the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education was adopted by the 40th session of the UNESCO General Conference, becoming the first United Nations treaty on higher education with a global scope. The Global Convention received its 20th ratification on 5 December 2022, and entered into force on 5 March 2023. As of 15 May 2023, 22 States have ratified it.
The main objectives of the first session of the Intergovernmental Conference was to adopt the Rules of Procedure (RoP), elect a Bureau and adopt a work programme for 2023-2025.
By extending the principles of UNESCO's five regional higher education conventions to interregional mobility, the Global Convention broadens international recognition and will benefit students looking for study opportunities outside their home region, leveling the playing field and increasing access to quality higher education.
Through the Conference, States Parties will work collaboratively to foster greater mobility in higher education across borders, ensuring fair and equitable opportunities for individuals pursuing higher education worldwide.
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